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White Frame Corner

10 Fun Games to Play With Your Dog

A great approach to keep your dog busy both intellectually and physically is to use a flirt pole.  They're especially beneficial for energetic dogs because just one brief session can leave your dog exhausted.

Use a Flirt Pole

By far, tug is my preferred canine game.  It's entertaining, enjoyable, a terrific kind of physical exercise, and a great opportunity for dogs to work on impulse control and etiquette.

Play Tug of War With Your Dog

Frisbee is another another enjoyable pastime to play with your dog.  Because it encourages your dog to chase over great distances, frisbee is a game that I like to refer to as an advanced version of fetch.

Play Frisbee With Your Dog

Making your own agility course is a fun activity for dogs.  It's a fun method to teach your dog new skills, and it gives canines a lot of cerebral exercise.

Create Your Own Agility Course

One of the simplest activities to play with your dog is to use a stuffed Kong, a puzzle, or a food dispenser.  It's enjoyable, it motivates them to make use of some of their innate scavenging prowess, and it's psychologically stimulating.

Use Kong Stuffing, Puzzles

For dogs, especially those who enjoy swimming, visiting the neighbourhood beach may be a lot of fun (for safety, don't forget to pack a canine life jacket).  Take some dog toys with you and play a game of fetch in the water.

Play Some Water Game

The nicest part is that my dog never gets tired of it, and it's quite simple to play.  She enjoys it every time, regardless of the fact that I choose the same 20 hiding places .

Play Find the Treats

Some dogs enjoy digging, so providing them with a special digging area—one that isn't in your planted garden—will encourage them to do so.

Use a Digging Box

Laika absolutely adores it, and I'm still surprised that she hasn't grown tired of it despite the fact that I frequently choose the same three hiding places.

Play a Game of Hide & Seek

Teaching your dog to chase bubbles is one of the most entertaining games you can play with them.  Although it's one of Laika's all-time favourite games, I had my reservations.

Teach Your Dog to Chase Bubbles