White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

11 Flirting tips to help you connect with a crush in no time

You'll be liked for who you are by the right person.  It's acceptable if they don't reciprocate.  You'll come upon the best one."

Be yourself

Asking questions demonstrates your interest in your crush, makes them feel good, and facilitates more casual talks.

Ask thoughtful questions

To establish a genuine connection, participate in the conversation.  Tell your own story to establish genuine connections.

Open up about yourself, too

If you see your crush in the corridor or outside, smile, wave, or say hello.  Little exchanges can have a big impact!  No need for a drawn-out discussion.

Smile and say hi

Interest is expressed through small gestures like lightly brushing hands,  tapping an arm while smiling, or touching during a conversation.

Use subtle body language

Keeping eye contact communicates interest and strengthens relationships.  Also, it exudes confidence and puts you at rest.

Maintain eye contact

To measure their interest, provide clues or subtly invite your crush to hang together more.  Say you enjoyed spending time with them or that you enjoy how funny they are.

Be honest and straightforward

If you're not ready to ask your crush out or spend time alone with them,  hang out in a group. It's enjoyable, calms nerves, and enables you to express your awesomeness.

Suggest hanging out in a group

When in doubt, use an emoji or Bitmoji.  IWhen messaging someone to say "hi" or inquire about their day, use the heart-eyes, embrace, or grin emojis.

Send smile-worthy texts

To strengthen a relationship, share a humorous TikTok.   Share a laugh and a connection via a sense of humour.

Include humor in your chats