It may be hard to pinpoint why your dog is no longer doing zoomies at bedtime or eating their food.
The death of a pet isn't the only thing that can leave a hole in a dog's heart: losing a much-loved human can have the same effect.
dogs who are particularly bonded to another animal, especially a dog, may need a 'friend' for company—whether this be inviting a friend/family member with a dog round
It can be difficult for an animal to overcome, and animals may be left with behavioral problems afterwards. A dog needs to be dealt with slowly and carefully to rebuild their human bond
this advice from the vets may improve your dog's mental health. Sometimes, a dog may simply need a distraction and time to adjust to a new situation but if the sadness has persisted
The best way to help their mood is to distract them with things they enjoy, whether this be toys, walks or food
Each veterinarian will prescribe these medications relative to the condition being treated or the time interval needed if they are appropriate for the situation.